Monday, February 8, 2010

Computer Crash

Well it's been ages since I've posted.  While loading some camera software a week or so ago, my laptop crashed.  I mean, major nose-dive.  Thanks to my smart husband, we had a backup of some things, but not all.  He had to completely re-format my hard drive and re-install all my programs.   There are still a few quirks to work out but I finally feel like I have my computer back.
So hopefully I will be blogging more frequently.  I know you're thinking "Yeah right, I'll believe it when I see it".  

Well stayed tuned.  My laundry detergent recipe is coming up next!  Make it a great Monday!


  1. Yay, Thad! I was wondering what happened to you!

  2. He is pretty handy to have around. :)

  3. I know, I am so totally stinking at blogging regularly! BOO. I have things to blog about, I just haven't taken the time.
    Thanks for missing me. :)
